USDA Distribution


What is USDA?

The USDA distribution program provides United States Department of Agriculture food assistance to households meeting certain income and residency requirements established by the State of Virginia via TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program). USDA Distribution occurs at Seven Loaves one week of every month (see Pantry Calendar for specific dates) and the non-perishables given generally provide a Patron with food products that are at least equal to, and generally exceed in quantity and quality, the non-perishable products he would receive that week via regular distribution. 

Receiving USDA Distribution

If a Patron wishes to receive USDA distribution he must be a resident of Virginia and must request the assistance of the Volunteer manning the USDA table during USDA distribution week. On a first time visit, and every six months thereafter, that Volunteer will fill out a USDA registration form for the Patron that, unlike the Regular Distribution registration form, requires the Patron to make certain income related declarations. On subsequent visits the Patron must inform the USDA Volunteer if any income or family size changes have occurred. After doing so, the Patron will receive a ticket that informs Pantry Volunteers of his entitlement to the USDA food.

USDA Beneficiary Rights

Please click on the link below to view certain Beneficiary Rights of The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEAFAP).